module HeatEquationTwoLayers #hide
println("Running heat equation two layers example...") #hide
# # Heat equation
# # Theory
# This example shows how to solve the heat equation with eventually variable physical properties in steady and unsteady formulations:
# ```math
# \rho C_p \partial_t u - \nabla . ( \lambda \nabla u) = f
# ```
# We shall assume that $$f, \, \rho, \, C_p, \, \lambda \, \in L^2(\Omega)$$. The weak form of the problem is given by: find $$ u \in \tilde{H}^1_0(\Omega)$$
# (there will be at least one Dirichlet boundary condition) such that:
# ```math
# \forall v \in \tilde{H}^1_0(\Omega), \, \, \, \underbrace{\int_\Omega \partial_t u . v dx}_{m(\partial_t u,v)} + \underbrace{\int_\Omega \nabla u . \nabla v dx}_{a(u,v)} = \underbrace{\int_\Omega f v dx}_{l(v)}
# ```
# To numerically solve this problem we seek an approximate solution using Lagrange $$P^1$$ or $$P^2$$ elements.
# Here we assume that the domain can be split into two domains having different material properties.
const dir = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "..", "..") # BcubeTutorials dir
using Bcube
using BcubeVTK
using LinearAlgebra
using Test #src
function T_analytical_two_layers(x, λ1, λ2, T0, T1, L)
if x < 0.5 * L
T = 2.0 * (λ2 / (λ1 + λ2)) * ((T1 - T0) / L) * x + T0
T = 2.0 * (λ1 / (λ1 + λ2)) * ((T1 - T0) / L) * (x - L) + T1
return T
const outputpath = joinpath(dir, "myout", "heat_equation_two_layers")
Two layers case using MeshCellData that depends on the subdomain. A unique assembly is then performed over the whole mesh
(by opposition to method2)
function run_steady_two_layers_method1(; degree)
println("Running steady two layers case - method 1")
T0 = 260.0
T1 = 300.0
λ1 = 150.0
λ2 = 10.0
# Read mesh
mesh = read_mesh(joinpath(dir, "input", "mesh", "domainTwoLayer_tri.msh"))
fs = FunctionSpace(:Lagrange, degree)
U = TrialFESpace(fs, mesh, Dict("West" => T0, "East" => T1))
V = TestFESpace(U)
# Define measures for cell integration
dΩ = Measure(CellDomain(mesh), 2 * degree + 1)
material_1 = Bcube.get_zone_element_indices(mesh, "Domain_1")
material_2 = Bcube.get_zone_element_indices(mesh, "Domain_2")
λ = zeros(ncells(mesh))
λ[material_1] .= λ1
λ[material_2] .= λ2
qtmp = zeros(ncells(mesh))
q = MeshCellData(qtmp)
η = MeshCellData(λ)
# Compute matrices associated to bilinear and linear forms
a(u, v) = ∫(η * ∇(u) ⋅ ∇(v))dΩ
l(v) = ∫(q * v)dΩ
system = AffineFESystem(a, l, U, V)
ϕ = Bcube.solve(system)
T_analytical = PhysicalFunction(x -> T_analytical_two_layers(x[1], λ1, λ2, T0, T1, 0.2))
Tcn = var_on_centers(ϕ, mesh)
Tca = var_on_centers(T_analytical, mesh)
dict_vars =
Dict("Temperature" => MeshCellData(Tcn), "Temperature_a" => MeshCellData(Tca))
joinpath(outputpath, "result_steady_heat_equation_two_layers_method1.pvd"),
err = norm(Tca .- Tcn, Inf) / norm(Tca, Inf)
@show err
if get(ENV, "TestMode", "false") == "true" #src
@test err < 2.1e-5 #src
end #src
Two layers case using subdomain integration.
function run_steady_two_layers_method2(; degree)
println("Running steady two layers case - method 2")
T0 = 260.0
T1 = 300.0
λ1 = 150.0
λ2 = 10.0
# Read mesh
mesh = read_mesh(joinpath(dir, "input", "mesh", "domainTwoLayer_tri.msh"))
fs = FunctionSpace(:Lagrange, degree)
U = TrialFESpace(fs, mesh, Dict("West" => T0, "East" => T1))
V = TestFESpace(U)
material_1 = Bcube.get_zone_element_indices(mesh, "Domain_1")
material_2 = Bcube.get_zone_element_indices(mesh, "Domain_2")
# Define measures for cell and interior face integrations
dΩ = Measure(CellDomain(mesh), 2 * degree + 1)
dΩ1 = Measure(CellDomain(mesh, material_1), 2 * degree + 1)
dΩ2 = Measure(CellDomain(mesh, material_2), 2 * degree + 1)
qtmp = zeros(ncells(mesh))
q = MeshCellData(qtmp)
# compute matrices associated to bilinear and linear forms
a(u, v) = ∫(λ1 * ∇(u) ⋅ ∇(v))dΩ1 + ∫(λ2 * ∇(u) ⋅ ∇(v))dΩ2
l(v) = ∫(q * v)dΩ
system = AffineFESystem(a, l, U, V)
ϕ = Bcube.solve(system)
T_analytical = PhysicalFunction(x -> T_analytical_two_layers(x[1], λ1, λ2, T0, T1, 0.2))
Tcn = var_on_centers(ϕ, mesh)
Tca = var_on_centers(T_analytical, mesh)
dict_vars =
Dict("Temperature" => MeshCellData(Tcn), "Temperature_a" => MeshCellData(Tca))
joinpath(outputpath, "result_steady_heat_equation_two_layers_method2.pvd"),
err = norm(Tca .- Tcn, Inf) / norm(Tca, Inf)
@show err
if get(ENV, "TestMode", "false") == "true" #src
@test err < 2.1e-5 #src
end #src
run_steady_two_layers_method1(; degree = 2)
run_steady_two_layers_method2(; degree = 2)
end #hide