Incompressible Navier-Stokes (FEM) - flow around a cylinder

In this example, the laminar flow around a cylinder is simulated by solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The equations are discretized and solved using two methods, the projection method and the "mixed form" method. This tutorial is based on a DFG Benchmark and is also an example in Ferrite.jl.

Description of the case

The simulation domain consists in a channel bounded above and below by two walls and within which a cylinder is placed. The geometrical parameters of the case are shown in the Figure below.

The flow around the cylinder is governed by the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (here $\rho=1$):

\[ \partial_t u + u \cdot \nabla u = - \nabla p + \nu \Delta u\]

\[ \nabla \cdot u = 0\]

To discretize the equations $\mathbb{P}_2$-$\mathbb{P}_1$ elements are used (Taylor-Hood).

No-slip boundary conditions are applied on all walls. The inlet is given by an imposed parabolic velocity profile which is ramped up in time:

\[ u(t,x,y) = u_{in}(t) \times \left( 4 y (0.41-y)/0.41^2 , 0 \right)\]

where $u_{in}(t) = \textrm{clamp}(t,0.0,1.5)$.

At the outlet, $p=0$ is imposed when using the projection method and a "do-nothing" ($-pn + \nu \nabla u \cdot n = 0$) condition is applied when using the "mixed form" method.


Load the necessary packages

const dir = string(@__DIR__, "/") # bcube/example dir
using Bcube
using LinearAlgebra
using BcubeVTK
using BcubeGmsh
using StaticArrays

Function space (here we shall use Taylor-Hood P2-P1 elements) and quadrature degree.

const fspace = :Lagrange
const degree_u = 2
const degquad = 2 * degree_u + 1
const degree_p = 1

Input and output paths

const outputpath = joinpath(dir, "..", "..", "..", "myout", "navier_stokes/")
const meshpath = joinpath(dir, "../../../input/mesh/cylinder_navier_stokes_tri.msh")

Kinematic viscosity

const ν = 0.001

Time step and simulation time

const Δt = 1.0e-3
const finalTime = 6.0

Function that defines the inlet velocity profile

function inlet_velocity(x, t)
    SA[4.0 * clamp(t, 0.0, 1.5) * x[2] * (0.41 - x[2]) / (0.41 * 0.41), 0.0]

Function that solves the problem using the projection method

function run_unsteady_projection_method()

Read mesh

    mesh = read_mesh(meshpath)

Definition of trial and test function spaces (with associated Dirichlet boundary conditions)

    fsu = FunctionSpace(fspace, degree_u)
    U_vel = TrialFESpace(
            "left" => inlet_velocity,
            "top" => SA[0.0, 0.0],
            "bottom" => SA[0.0, 0.0],
            "cylinder" => SA[0.0, 0.0],
        ); #
        size = 2,
    V_vel = TestFESpace(U_vel)

    fsp = FunctionSpace(fspace, degree_p)
    U_pre = TrialFESpace(fsp, mesh, Dict("right" => SA[0.0]); size = 1)
    V_pre = TestFESpace(U_pre)

    velocity = FEFunction(U_vel)
    pressure = FEFunction(U_pre)

Define measures for cell

    dΩ = Measure(CellDomain(mesh), degquad)

Definition of bilinear and linear forms Tentative velocity forms

    m1(u, v) = ∫(u ⋅ v)dΩ
    # function l1(v)
    #     ∫(velocity ⋅ v)dΩ - Δt * ∫(ν * ∇(velocity) ⊡ ∇(v) + (∇(velocity) * velocity) ⋅ v)dΩ
    # end
    # Below is an equivalent définition of l1(v) that yields better performance thanks to the use of composition
    function l1(v)
        f(u, ∇u, v, ∇v) = u ⋅ v - Δt * (ν * ∇u ⊡ ∇v + (∇u * u) ⋅ v)
        ∫(f ∘ (velocity, ∇(velocity), v, ∇(v)))dΩ

Pressure forms

    a2(p, q) = ∫(∇(p) ⋅ ∇(q))dΩ
    # l2(q) = (-1.0 / Δt) * ∫(tr(∇(velocity)) ⋅ q)dΩ
    # Below is an equivalent définition of l2(v) that yields better performance thanks to the use of composition
    function l2(q)
        f(∇u, q) = (-1.0 / Δt) * (tr(∇u) ⋅ q)
        ∫(f ∘ (∇(velocity), q))dΩ

Velocity correction forms

    # l3(v) = ∫(velocity ⋅ v)dΩ - Δt * ∫(∇(pressure) ⋅ v)dΩ
    # Below is an equivalent définition of l3(v) that yields better performance thanks to the use of composition
    function l3(v)
        f(u, ∇p, v) = u ⋅ v - Δt * ∇p ⋅ v
        ∫(f ∘ (velocity, ∇(pressure), v))dΩ

Assemble and factorize matrices

    M1 = assemble_bilinear(m1, U_vel, V_vel)
    M0 = copy(M1)
    Bcube.apply_dirichlet_to_matrix!(M1, U_vel, V_vel, mesh)
    f_M1 = factorize(M1)

    A2 = assemble_bilinear(a2, U_pre, V_pre)
    Bcube.apply_dirichlet_to_matrix!(A2, U_pre, V_pre, mesh)
    f_A2 = factorize(A2)

Write initial solution

    vars = Dict("Velocity" => velocity, "Pressure" => pressure)
    filepath = joinpath(outputpath, "output_projection.pvd")
    write_file(filepath, mesh, vars, 0, 0.0; collection_append = false)

Time stepping

    time = 0.0
    itime = 0

    while time <= finalTime
        time += Δt
        itime += 1

        println("Time stepping : time = ", time, " / ", finalTime)

        # assemble l1
        L1 = assemble_linear(l1, V_vel)
        Wd = Bcube.assemble_dirichlet_vector(U_vel, V_vel, mesh, time)
        # Apply lift
        L1 = L1 - M0 * Wd

        # Apply homogeneous Dirichlet condition
        Bcube.apply_homogeneous_dirichlet_to_vector!(L1, U_vel, V_vel, mesh)

        # Compute tentative velocity
        sol = f_M1 \ L1

        set_dof_values!(velocity, sol .+ Wd)

        # Assemble l2
        L2 = assemble_linear(l2, V_pre)
        Bcube.apply_homogeneous_dirichlet_to_vector!(L2, U_pre, V_pre, mesh)

        # Compute pressure
        sol = f_A2 \ L2

        set_dof_values!(pressure, sol)

        # Assemble l3
        L3 = assemble_linear(l3, V_vel)
        # Apply lift
        L3 = L3 - M0 * Wd

        # Apply homogeneous Dirichlet condition
        Bcube.apply_homogeneous_dirichlet_to_vector!(L3, U_vel, V_vel, mesh)

        # Velocity correction step
        sol = f_M1 \ L3

        set_dof_values!(velocity, sol .+ Wd)

        # Write outputs
        if itime % 100 == 0
            write_file(filepath, mesh, vars, itime, time; collection_append = true)

The animation below shows the result of simulation with the projection method:

Function that solves the problem using a mixed formalism

function run_unsteady_mixed()

Read mesh

    mesh = read_mesh(meshpath)

Definition of trial and test function spaces (with associated Dirichlet boundary conditions)

    fsu = FunctionSpace(fspace, degree_u)
    U_vel = TrialFESpace(
            "left" => inlet_velocity,
            "top" => SA[0.0, 0.0],
            "bottom" => SA[0.0, 0.0],
            "cylinder" => SA[0.0, 0.0],
        size = 2,
    V_vel = TestFESpace(U_vel)

    fsp = FunctionSpace(fspace, degree_p)
    U_pre = TrialFESpace(fsp, mesh; size = 1)
    V_pre = TestFESpace(U_pre)

    U = MultiFESpace(U_vel, U_pre)
    V = MultiFESpace(V_vel, V_pre)

    velocity = FEFunction(U_vel)
    pressure = FEFunction(U_pre)

Define measures for cell

    dΩ = Measure(CellDomain(mesh), degquad)

Definition of bilinear and linear forms

    m((u, p), (v, q)) = ∫(u ⋅ v)dΩ
    a((u, p), (v, q)) = ∫(ν * ∇(u) ⊡ ∇(v) - tr(∇(v)) * p + tr(∇(u)) * q)dΩ
    l((v, q)) = -∫((∇(velocity) * velocity) ⋅ v)dΩ

Assemble and factorize matrices

    M = assemble_bilinear(m, U, V)
    A = assemble_bilinear(a, U, V)
    L = assemble_linear(l, V)
    A0 = copy(A)

    Bcube.apply_dirichlet_to_matrix!(A, U, V, mesh)
    Bcube.apply_dirichlet_to_matrix!(M, U, V, mesh)

    f_Mtime = factorize(M .+ Δt * A)

    ϕ = FEFunction(V)

Initial output

    vars = Dict("Velocity" => velocity, "Pressure" => pressure)
    filepath = joinpath(outputpath, "output_mixed.pvd")
    write_file(filepath, mesh, vars, 0, 0.0; collection_append = false)

Time stepping

    time = 0.0
    itime = 0
    sol = zero(L)

    while time <= finalTime
        time += Δt
        itime += 1

        println("Time stepping : time = ", time, " / ", finalTime)

        L = assemble_linear(l, V)

        Wd = Bcube.assemble_dirichlet_vector(U, V, mesh, time)

        # Apply lift
        L = L - A0 * Wd

        # Apply homogeneous Dirichlet condition
        Bcube.apply_homogeneous_dirichlet_to_vector!(L, U, V, mesh)

        # Compute solution
        sol = f_Mtime \ (Δt * L + M * sol)

        set_dof_values!(ϕ, sol .+ Wd)
        velocity, pressure = ϕ

        # Write outputs
        if itime % 100 == 0
            vars = Dict("Velocity" => velocity, "Pressure" => pressure)
            write_file(filepath, mesh, vars, itime, time; collection_append = true)

The animation below shows the result of simulation with the "mixed form" method:

println(" ")
println("--------- solving with projection method ----------")
@time begin
println(" ")
println("--------- solving with mixed form method ----------")
@time begin
println(" ")

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