Linear transport (DG)
In this tutorial, we show how to solve a linear transport equation using a discontinuous-Galerkin framework with Bcube.
In this example, we solve the following linear transport equation using discontinuous elements:
\[\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot (c \phi) = 0\]
where $c$ is a constant velocity. Using an explicit time scheme, one obtains:
\[\phi^{n+1} = \phi^n - \Delta t \nabla \cdot (c \phi^n)\]
The corresponding weak form of this equation is:
\[\int_\Omega \phi^{n+1} v \mathrm{\,d}\Omega = \int_\Omega \phi^n v \mathrm{\,d}\Omega + \Delta t \left[ \int_\Omega c \phi^n \cdot \nabla v \mathrm{\,d}\Omega - \oint_\Gamma \left( c \phi \cdot n \right) v \mathrm{\,d}\Gamma \right]\]
where $\Gamma = \delta \Omega$. Adopting the discontinuous Galerkin framework, this equation is written in every mesh cell $\Omega_i$. The cell boundary term involves discontinuous quantities and is replaced by a "numerical flux", leading to the expression:
\[\int_{\Omega_i} \phi^{n+1} v \mathrm{\,d}\Omega_i = \int_{\Omega_i} \phi^n v \mathrm{\,d}\Omega_i + \Delta t \left[ \int_{\Omega_i} c \phi^n \cdot \nabla v \mathrm{\,d}\Omega_i - \oint_{\Gamma_i} F^*(\phi) v \mathrm{\,d} \Gamma_i \right]\]
For this example, an upwind flux will be used for $F^*$. Using a matrix formulation, the above equation can be written as:
\[\phi^{n+1} = \phi^n + M^{-1}(f_\Omega - f_\Gamma)\]
where $M^{-1}$ is the inverse of the mass matrix, $f_\Omega$ the volumic flux term and $f_\Gamma$ the surfacic flux term.
Commented code
Start by importing the necessary packages: Load the necessary packages
using Bcube
using BcubeGmsh
using BcubeVTK
using LinearAlgebra
Before all, to ease to ease the solution VTK output we will write a structure to store the vtk filename and the number of iteration; and a function that exports the solution on demand. Note the use of var_on_nodes_discontinuous
to export the solution on the mesh nodes, respecting the discontinuous feature of the solution.
mutable struct VtkHandler
VtkHandler(basename, mesh) = new(basename, 0, mesh)
function append_vtk(vtk, u::Bcube.AbstractFEFunction, t)
# Write
Dict("u" => u),
discontinuous = true,
collection_append = vtk.ite > 0,
# Update counter
vtk.ite += 1
First, we define some physical and numerical constant parameters
const degree = 0 # Function-space degree (Taylor(0) = first order Finite Volume)
const c = [1.0, 0.0] # Convection velocity (must be a vector)
const nite = 100 # Number of time iteration(s)
const CFL = 1 # 0.1 for degree 1
const nx = 41 # Number of nodes in the x-direction
const ny = 41 # Number of nodes in the y-direction
const lx = 2.0 # Domain width
const ly = 2.0 # Domain height
const Δt = CFL * min(lx / nx, ly / ny) / norm(c) # Time step
Then generate the mesh of a rectangle using Gmsh and read it
tmp_path = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "..", "myout", "tmp.msh")
nx = nx,
ny = ny,
lx = lx,
ly = ly,
xc = 0.0,
yc = 0.0,
mesh = read_mesh(tmp_path)
We can now init our VtkHandler
out_dir = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "..", "myout", "linear_transport")
vtk = VtkHandler(joinpath(out_dir, "linear_transport.pvd"), mesh)
As seen in the previous tutorial, the definition of trial and test spaces needs a mesh and a function space. Here, we select Taylor space, and build discontinuous FE spaces with it. Then an FEFunction, that will represent our solution, is created.
fs = FunctionSpace(:Taylor, degree)
U = TrialFESpace(fs, mesh, :discontinuous)
V = TestFESpace(U)
u = FEFunction(U)
Define measures for cell and interior face integrations
Γ = InteriorFaceDomain(mesh)
Γ_in = BoundaryFaceDomain(mesh, "West")
Γ_out = BoundaryFaceDomain(mesh, ("North", "East", "South"))
dΩ = Measure(CellDomain(mesh), 2 * degree + 1)
dΓ = Measure(Γ, 2 * degree + 1)
dΓ_in = Measure(Γ_in, 2 * degree + 1)
dΓ_out = Measure(Γ_out, 2 * degree + 1)
We will also need the face normals associated to the different face domains. Note that this operation is lazy, nΓ
is just an abstract representation on face normals of Γ
nΓ = get_face_normals(Γ)
nΓ_in = get_face_normals(Γ_in)
nΓ_out = get_face_normals(Γ_out)
Let's move on to the bilinear and linear forms. First, the two easiest ones:
m(u, v) = ∫(u ⋅ v)dΩ # Mass matrix
l_Ω(v) = ∫((c * u) ⋅ ∇(v))dΩ # Volumic convective term
For the flux term, we first need to define a numerical flux. It is convenient to define it separately in a dedicated function. Here is the definition of simple upwind flux.
function upwind(ui, uj, nij)
cij = c ⋅ nij
if cij > zero(cij)
flux = cij * ui
flux = cij * uj
We then define the "flux" as the composition of the upwind function and the needed entries: namely the solution on the negative side of the face, the solution on the positive face, and the face normal. The orientation negative/positive is arbitrary, the only convention is that the face normals are oriented from the negative side to the positive side.
flux = upwind ∘ (side⁻(u), side⁺(u), side⁻(nΓ))
l_Γ(v) = ∫(flux * jump(v))dΓ
Finally, we define what to perform on the "two" boundaries : inlet / oulet. On the inlet, we directly impose the flux with a user defined function that depends on the time (the input is an oscillating wave). On the outlet, we keep our upwind flux but we impose the ghost cell value.
bc_in = t -> PhysicalFunction(x -> c .* cos(3 * x[2]) * sin(4 * t)) # flux
l_Γ_in(v, t) = ∫(side⁻(bc_in(t)) ⋅ side⁻(nΓ_in) * side⁻(v))dΓ_in
flux_out = upwind ∘ (side⁻(u), 0.0, side⁻(nΓ_out))
l_Γ_out(v) = ∫(flux_out * side⁻(v))dΓ_out
Assemble the (constant) mass matrix. The returned matrix is a sparse matrix. To simplify the tutorial, we will directly compute the inverse mass matrix. But note that way more performant strategies should be employed to solve such a problem (since we don't need the inverse, only the matrix-vector product).
M = assemble_bilinear(m, U, V)
invM = inv(Matrix(M)) #WARNING : really expensive !!!
Let's also create three vectors to avoid allocating them at each time step
nd = get_ndofs(V)
b_vol = zeros(nd)
b_fac = similar(b_vol)
rhs = similar(b_vol)
The time loop is trivial : at each time step we compute the linear forms using the assemble_
methods, we complete the rhs, perform an explicit step and write the solution.
t = 0.0
for i in 1:nite
global t
# Reset pre-allocated vectors
b_vol .= 0.0
b_fac .= 0.0
# Compute linear forms
assemble_linear!(b_vol, l_Ω, V)
assemble_linear!(b_fac, l_Γ, V)
assemble_linear!(b_fac, v -> l_Γ_in(v, t), V)
assemble_linear!(b_fac, l_Γ_out, V)
# Assemble rhs
rhs .= Δt .* invM * (b_vol - b_fac)
# Update solution
u.dofValues .+= rhs
# Update time
t += Δt
# Write to file
append_vtk(vtk, u, t)
And here is an animation of the result:
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