
This website gather several commented tutorials as well as various examples of application of the library Bcube.

Bcube is a Julia library providing tools for the spatial discretization of partial differential equation(s) (PDE). The main objective is to provide a set of tools to quickly assemble an algorithm solving partial differential equation(s) efficiently.

Tutorials vs examples

Tutorials will always follow the Bcube development : they will be kept updated. Examples are more advanced use-cases of Bcube and could be compatible only with a specific version of Bcube (and some other dependencies such as DifferentialEquations.jl).

Run the scripts locally

All the tutorials can be ran locally with the following steps.

First, clone the repository

$ git clone https://github.com/bcube-project/BcubeTutorials.jl.git
$ cd BcubeTutorials.jl/

Then, set up the environnement and run the script.

pkg> activate .
(BcubeTutorials) pkg> instantiate
julia> include("src/tutorial/helmholtz.jl")

Regarding the examples, some of them require additionnal dependencies. Hence each example is associated to a specific environment:

julia> cd("src/example/covo")
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.activate(".")
julia> Pkg.add(PackageSpec(url="https://github.com/bcube-project/Bcube.jl"))
julia> Pkg.instantiate()
julia> include("covo.jl")

Build the documentation

To browse the online documentation, simply click on the blue badge at the top of this README. If you would like to build the documentation yourself, for an offline access for instance, you can do it with the following commands.

$ git clone https://github.com/bcube-project/BcubeTutorials.jl.git
$ cd BcubeTutorials.jl/
pkg> activate .
(BcubeTutorials) pkg> instantiate
julia> include("docs/make.jl")

You can then browse BcubeTutorials.jl/docs/build/index.html.


Ghislain Blanchard, Lokman Bennani and Maxime Bouyges.