
const dir = string(@__DIR__, "/") # Bcube dir
using Bcube
using LinearAlgebra
using WriteVTK
using StaticArrays

Function space (here we shall use Lagrange P1 elements) and quadrature degree.

const fspace = :Lagrange
const degree = 1 # FunctionSpace degree
const degquad = 2 * degree + 1

Input and output paths

const outputpath = joinpath(dir, "../../../myout/elasticity/")
const meshpath = joinpath(dir, "../../../input/mesh/domainThermoElast_tri.msh")

Time stepping scheme params

const α = 0.05
const γ = 0.5 + α
const β = 0.25 * (1.0 + α)^2

const totalTime = 10.0
const Δt = 1.0e-2

Material parameters (Young's modulus, Poisson coefficient and deduced Lamé coefficients)

const E = 200.0e9
const ν = 0.3
const λ = E * ν / ((1.0 + ν) * (1.0 - 2.0 * ν))
const μ = E / (2.0 * (1.0 + ν))
const Kₜ = 1.0e-6
const ρ = 2500.0
const cₚ = 1000.0
const k = 250.0
const T₀ = 280.0

Strain tensor and stress tensor (Hooke's law)

ϵ(u) = 0.5 * (∇(u) + transpose(∇(u)))
σ(u) = λ * tr(ϵ(u)) * I + 2 * μ * (ϵ(u)) # Elastic stress
σₜ(T) = (3 * λ + 2 * μ) * Kₜ * (T - T₀) * I # Thermal stress

π(u, v) = σ(u) ⊡ ϵ(v) # with the chosen contraction convention ϵ should be transposed, but as it is symmetric the expression remains correct
πₜ(T, v) = σₜ(T) ⊡ ϵ(v)

materialize for identity operator

Bcube.materialize(A::LinearAlgebra.UniformScaling, B) = A

Function that performs a time step using a Newmark α-HHT scheme The scheme updates the acceleration G, the velocity V and the displacement U using the following formulas:

\[\begin{cases} M G^{n+1} +(1-\alpha)A U^{n+1} + \alpha A U^{n} = (1-\alpha) L^{n+1} + \alpha L^n = L \textrm{(because here $L$ is time independent)} \\ V^{n+1} = V^{n} + (1-\gamma) \Delta t G^n + \gamma \Delta t G^{n+1} \\ U^{n+1} = U^{n} + \Delta t V^{n} + (\frac{1}{2} - \beta)*\Delta t^2 G^{n} + \beta \Delta t^2 G^{n+1} \end{cases}\]

where $M$ is the mass matrix, $A$ is the stiffness matrix and $L$ is the RHS G is then computed by solving the linear system obtained by inserting the expressions for U and V in the equation for G.

function Newmark_α_HHT(dt, L, A, Mat, U0, V0, G0)
    L1 = L - α * A * U0
    L2 = -(1.0 - α) * (A * U0 + dt * A * V0 + (0.5 - β) * dt * dt * A * G0)
    RHS = L1 .+ L2

    G = Mat \ RHS
    U = U0 + dt * V0 + (0.5 - β) * dt * dt * G0 + β * dt * dt * G
    V = V0 + (1.0 - γ) * dt * G0 + γ * dt * G

    return U, V, G

Function that runs the unsteady case:

function run_unsteady()
    mesh = read_msh(meshpath, 2)

    fs = FunctionSpace(fspace, degree)
    U_scal = TrialFESpace(fs, mesh, Dict("West1" => 280.0, "East1" => 280.0); size = 1)
    V_scal = TestFESpace(U_scal)
    U_vec = TrialFESpace(
        Dict("West1" => SA[0.0, 0.0], "East1" => SA[0.0, 0.0]);
        size = 2,
    V_vec = TestFESpace(U_vec)

    # Initialize solution
    U = FEFunction(U_vec, 0.0)
    U0 = zeros(Bcube.get_ndofs(U_vec))
    V0 = zeros(Bcube.get_ndofs(U_vec))
    G0 = zeros(Bcube.get_ndofs(U_vec))

    T = FEFunction(U_scal, T₀)

    # Define measures for cell
    dΩ = Measure(CellDomain(mesh), degquad)

    # no volume force term
    f = PhysicalFunction(x -> SA[0.0, 0.0])

    q = PhysicalFunction(
        x -> x[1] .* (1.0 .- x[1]) .* x[2] .* (0.2 .- x[2]) .* 1500000000.0,

    # Definition of bilinear and linear forms for the elasticity problem
    a(u, v) = ∫(π(u, v))dΩ
    m(u, v) = ∫(ρ * u ⋅ v)dΩ
    l(v) = ∫(πₜ(T, v))dΩ

    # An alternative way to define this linear form is to use operator composition:
    # l(v) = ∫( πₜ ∘ (T, v, ∇(v)) )dΩ
    # where πₜ(T, v, ∇v) = σₜ(T) ⊡ ϵ(v, ∇v) and ϵ(v, ∇v) = 0.5*( ∇v + transpose(∇v) )

    # Definition of bilinear and linear forms for the heat conduction problem
    aₜ(u, v) = ∫(k * ∇(u) ⋅ ∇(v))dΩ
    mₜ(u, v) = ∫(ρ * cₚ * u ⋅ v)dΩ
    lₜ(v) = ∫(q * v)dΩ

    # Assemble matrices and vector
    M = assemble_bilinear(m, U_vec, V_vec)
    A = assemble_bilinear(a, U_vec, V_vec)
    L = assemble_linear(l, V_vec)
    AT = assemble_bilinear(aₜ, U_scal, V_scal)
    MT = assemble_bilinear(mₜ, U_scal, V_scal)
    LT = assemble_linear(lₜ, V_scal)

    # Apply homogeneous dirichlet on A and b
    Bcube.apply_homogeneous_dirichlet_to_vector!(L, U_vec, V_vec, mesh)
    Bcube.apply_dirichlet_to_matrix!((A, M), U_vec, V_vec, mesh)

    # Compute a vector of dofs whose values are zeros everywhere
    # except on dofs lying on a Dirichlet boundary, where they
    # take the Dirichlet value
    Td = Bcube.assemble_dirichlet_vector(U_scal, V_scal, mesh)

    # Apply lift
    LT = LT - AT * Td

    # Apply homogeneous dirichlet condition
    Bcube.apply_homogeneous_dirichlet_to_vector!(LT, U_scal, V_scal, mesh)
    Bcube.apply_dirichlet_to_matrix!((AT, MT), U_scal, V_scal, mesh)

    # Write initial solution
    Un = var_on_vertices(U, mesh)
    Un = transpose(Un)
    Tn = var_on_vertices(T, mesh)
    dict_vars =
        Dict("Displacement" => (Un, VTKPointData()), "Temperature" => (Tn, VTKPointData()))
    # Write the obtained FE solution
        outputpath * "result_thermoelasticity",
        append = false,

    # Time loop
    itime = 0
    t = 0.0

    # Matrix for time stepping
    Mat = factorize(M + (1.0 - α) * (β * Δt * Δt * A))
    Miter = factorize(MT + Δt * AT)

    while t <= totalTime
        t += Δt
        itime = itime + 1
        @show t, itime

        # solve time step heat equation
        rhs = Δt * LT + MT * (get_dof_values(T) .- Td)
        set_dof_values!(T, Miter \ rhs .+ Td)

        # solve time step elasticity
        U1, V1, G1 = Newmark_α_HHT(Δt, L, A, Mat, U0, V0, G0)

        # Update solution
        U0 .= U1
        V0 .= V1
        G0 .= G1

        set_dof_values!(U, U1)
        L = assemble_linear(l, V_vec)
        Bcube.apply_homogeneous_dirichlet_to_vector!(L, U_vec, V_vec, mesh)

        # Write solution
        if itime % 10 == 0
            Un = var_on_vertices(U, mesh)
            Un = transpose(Un)
            Tn = var_on_vertices(T, mesh)
            dict_vars = Dict(
                "Displacement" => (Un, VTKPointData()),
                "Temperature" => (Tn, VTKPointData()),
            # Write the obtained FE solution
                outputpath * "result_thermoelasticity",
                append = true,
            # In order to use the warp function in paraview (solid is deformed using the displacement field)
            # the calculator filter has to be used with the following formula to reconstruct a 3D displacement field
            # with 0 z-component: Displacement_X*iHat+Displacement_Y*jHat+0.0*kHat


Here is an animation of the obtained result:

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