Stokes flow example (FE with Taylor-Hood elements)
This example shows how to solve the equations of motion for Stokes flow with $\mathbb{P2}-\mathbb{P1}$ (Taylor-Hood) elements using Bcube.
Steady case - Moffat vortices
Let's first consider a Stokes flow within a wedge of angle $\theta = 28^\circ$ and height $H=1m$. A velocity of $1m/s$ is imposed on the top boundary (the lid) as well as zero pressure. On the left and right edges a no-slip boundary condition is applied.
The set of equations are:
\[\begin{cases} 0 = \nabla \cdot \left( -p \mathbb{I} + \mu \nabla u \right) + f \textrm{ in } \Omega \\ \nabla \cdot u = 0 \textrm{ in } \Omega \\ u = (0,0) \textrm{ on } \Gamma_L \cup \Gamma_R \\ u = (1,0) \textrm{ and } p=0 \textrm{ on } \Gamma_T \end{cases}\]
Density $\rho$ is taken equal to $1400kg.m^{-3}$ and dynamic viscosity $\mu$ equal to $1.4 Pa.s$. The Reynolds number based on the height of the wedge is therefore equal to $1000$. The weak form of this problem is given by:
\[\begin{cases} \textrm{ Find } u \in V \textrm{ and } p \in Q \textrm{ such that } \forall v \in V, \, \forall q \in Q\\ \int_\Omega \left( \mu \nabla u : \nabla v - p \nabla \cdot v \right) \, dx = \int_\Omega f \cdot v \, dx \\ \int_\Omega q \nabla \cdot u\, dx = 0 \end{cases}\]
where $V$ and $Q$ are suitable function spaces. This can be recast in "mixed" formalism:
\[\begin{cases} \textrm{ Find } (u,p) \in W=V \times Q \textrm{ such that } \forall (v,q) \in W\\ a((u,p),(v,q)) = l((v,q)) \end{cases}\]
where $a((u,p),(v,q)) = \int_\Omega \left( \mu \nabla u : \nabla v - p \nabla \cdot v +q \nabla \cdot u \right)\, dx$ and $l((v,q))=\int_\Omega f \cdot v \, dx$
Taylor-Hood ($\mathbb{P2}-\mathbb{P1}$) elements are used to discretize the weak form of the problem which leads to the linear system:
\[\begin{bmatrix} A & B^T \\ B & 0 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} U \\ P \end{bmatrix} = L\]
Commented code
import necessary packages
using Bcube
using BcubeGmsh
using BcubeVTK
using LinearAlgebra
using StaticArrays
using SpecialFunctions
Function space: P2 for velocity and P1 for pressure
const fspace = :Lagrange
const degree_u = 2
const degquad = 2 * degree_u + 1
const degree_p = 1
Material parameters
const ρ = 1400.0
const μ = 14.0
const ν = μ / ρ
Parameters for the oscillating plate case
const f = 1.0
const k = sqrt(π * f / ν)
const Δt = 1.0e-3
const finalTime = 2.0
const outputpath = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "..", "..", "myout", "stokes")
Function that runs the steady case:
function run_steady()
Read 2D mesh
mesh_path =
joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "..", "..", "input", "mesh", "domainTriangle_tri.msh")
mesh = read_mesh(mesh_path)
Definition of trial and test function spaces (with associated Dirichlet boundary conditions)
fsu = FunctionSpace(fspace, degree_u)
U_vel = TrialFESpace(
"edge_right" => SA[0.0, 0.0],
"edge_left" => SA[0.0, 0.0],
"edge_top" => SA[1.0, 0.0],
size = 2,
V_vel = TestFESpace(U_vel)
fsp = FunctionSpace(fspace, degree_p)
U_pre = TrialFESpace(fsp, mesh, Dict("edge_top" => SA[0.0]); size = 1)
V_pre = TestFESpace(U_pre)
Define MultiFESpace (mixed formalism)
U = MultiFESpace(U_vel, U_pre)
V = MultiFESpace(V_vel, V_pre)
velocity = FEFunction(U_vel)
pressure = FEFunction(U_pre)
Define measures for cell
dΩ = Measure(CellDomain(mesh), degquad)
volume force is equal to zero
f = PhysicalFunction(x -> SA[0.0, 0.0])
definition of bilinear and linear forms
a((u, p), (v, q)) = ∫(μ * ∇(u) ⊡ ∇(v) - tr(∇(v)) * p + tr(∇(u)) * q)dΩ
l((v, q)) = ∫(f ⋅ v)dΩ
assemble matrix and RHS
A = assemble_bilinear(a, U, V)
L = assemble_linear(l, V)
build Dirichlet vector to apply lift
Wd = Bcube.assemble_dirichlet_vector(U, V, mesh)
Apply lift
L = L - A * Wd
Apply homogeneous dirichlet condition
Bcube.apply_homogeneous_dirichlet_to_vector!(L, U, V, mesh)
Bcube.apply_dirichlet_to_matrix!(A, U, V, mesh)
Solve linear system
sol = A \ L
sol = sol .+ Wd
ϕ = FEFunction(V, sol)
Write solution
velocity, pressure = ϕ
vars = Dict("Velocity" => velocity, "Pressure" => pressure)
write_file(joinpath(outputpath, "output_steady.pvd"), mesh, vars)
The obtained solution captures the Moffat vortices topology of the flow
Unsteady case - oscillating plate
Let's now consider a Stokes flow over an oscillating flat plate of length $0.1m$ and height $0.5m$. An oscillating velocity $(\sin(2\pi f t),0)$ is imposed on the bottom boundary as well as zero pressure. On all the other boundaries a "do nothing" condition is applied: $-pn + \mu \frac{\partial u}{\partial n} = 0$. The set of equations are:
\[\begin{cases} \rho \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \nabla \cdot \left( -p \mathbb{I} + \mu \nabla u \right) + f \textrm{ in } \Omega \\ \nabla \cdot u = 0 \textrm{ in } \Omega \\ u = (0,0) \textrm{ on } \Gamma_L \cup \Gamma_R \\ u = (1,0) \textrm{ and } p=0 \textrm{ on } \Gamma_T \end{cases}\]
The weak form of this problem is given by:
\[\begin{cases} \textrm{ Find } (u,p) \in W=V \times Q \textrm{ such that } \forall (v,q) \in W\\ m((u,p),(v,q))+a((u,p),(v,q)) = l((v,q)) \end{cases}\]
where $m((u,p),(v,q)) = \int_\Omega \rho u \cdot v \, dx$ and $l((v,q))=\int_\Omega f \cdot v \, dx$
Taylor-Hood ($\mathbb{P2}-\mathbb{P1}$) elements are used to discretize the weak form of the problem which leads to the linear system:
\[\begin{bmatrix} M & 0 \\ 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \dot{U} \\ \dot{P} \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} A & B^T \\ B & 0 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} U \\ P \end{bmatrix} = L\]
Commented code
Reference solution for unsteady case (Panton, R. L. (2013). Incompressible Flow, 4th edition, pages 228-236) This solution is valid for a semi-infinite domain.
function reference_solution(t, x)
Uₛ = exp(-k * x[2]) * sin(2.0 * π * f * t - k * x[2])
T = 2.0 * π * f * t
Y = x[2] / sqrt(ν / (2.0 * π * f))
C = 1.0 - im
Uₜ = imag(
0.5 *
exp(-im * T - C * Y / sqrt(2)) *
erfc(sqrt(0.5 * T) * (C - Y / (T * sqrt(2)))) -
0.5 *
exp(-im * T + C * Y / sqrt(2)) *
erfc(sqrt(0.5 * T) * (C + Y / (T * sqrt(2)))),
return Uₛ + Uₜ
Function that runs the unsteady case:
function run_unsteady()
Generate 2D mesh
mesh = rectangle_mesh(
type = :quad,
xmin = 0.0,
xmax = 1.0e-1,
ymin = 0.0,
ymax = 5.0e-1,
order = 1,
bnd_names = ("Left", "Right", "South", "North"),
Definition of trial and test function spaces (with associated Dirichlet boundary conditions)
fsu = FunctionSpace(fspace, degree_u)
U_vel = TrialFESpace(
Dict("South" => (x, t) -> SA[sin(2.0 * π * f * t), 0.0]);
size = 2,
V_vel = TestFESpace(U_vel)
fsp = FunctionSpace(fspace, degree_p)
U_pre = TrialFESpace(fsp, mesh, Dict("South" => SA[0.0]); size = 1)
V_pre = TestFESpace(U_pre)
Define MultiFESpace (mixed formalism)
U = MultiFESpace(U_vel, U_pre)
V = MultiFESpace(V_vel, V_pre)
velocity = FEFunction(U_vel)
pressure = FEFunction(U_pre)
Define measures for cell
dΩ = Measure(CellDomain(mesh), degquad)
fv = PhysicalFunction(x -> SA[0.0, 0.0])
definition of bilinear and linear forms
m((u, p), (v, q)) = ∫(ρ * u ⋅ v)dΩ
a((u, p), (v, q)) = ∫(μ * ∇(u) ⊡ ∇(v) - tr(∇(v)) * p + tr(∇(u)) * q)dΩ
l((v, q)) = ∫(fv ⋅ v)dΩ
Assemble matrices and factorize
M = assemble_bilinear(m, U, V)
A = assemble_bilinear(a, U, V)
L = assemble_linear(l, V)
A0 = copy(A)
Bcube.apply_dirichlet_to_matrix!(A, U, V, mesh)
Bcube.apply_dirichlet_to_matrix!(M, U, V, mesh)
f_Mtime = factorize(M .+ Δt * A)
ϕ = FEFunction(V)
velocity_ref(t) = PhysicalFunction(x -> SA[reference_solution(t, x), 0.0])
Write initial solution
filepath = joinpath(outputpath, "output_unsteady.pvd")
err = velocity - velocity_ref(0.0)
vars = Dict(
"Velocity" => velocity,
"Velocity_ref" => velocity_ref(0.0),
"error" => err,
"Pressure" => pressure,
write_file(filepath, mesh, vars, 0, 0.0; collection_append = false)
Time loop
time = 0.0
itime = 0
sol = zero(L)
while time <= finalTime
time += Δt
itime += 1
println("Time stepping : time = ", time, " / ", finalTime)
Wd = Bcube.assemble_dirichlet_vector(U, V, mesh, time)
# Apply lift
L = -A0 * Wd
# Apply homogeneous dirichlet condition
Bcube.apply_homogeneous_dirichlet_to_vector!(L, U, V, mesh)
# Solve time step
sol = f_Mtime \ (Δt * L + M * sol)
# Write results
if itime % 10 == 0
set_dof_values!(ϕ, sol .+ Wd)
velocity, pressure = ϕ
err = velocity - velocity_ref(time)
vars = Dict(
"Velocity" => velocity,
"Velocity_ref" => velocity_ref(time),
"error" => err,
"Pressure" => pressure,
write_file(filepath, mesh, vars, itime, time; collection_append = true)
The obtained solution compares well with the reference solution
println("----- Running steady case -----")
println("----- Running unsteady case -----")
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