Phase field model - solidification of a liquid in supercooled state

In this tutorial, a coupled system of two unsteady equations is solved using finite elements and an imex time scheme. This tutorial doesn't introduce MultiFESpace, check the "euler" example for this. Warning : this file is currently quite long to run (a few minutes).


This case is taken from: Kobayashi, R. (1993). Modeling and numerical simulations of dendritic crystal growth. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 63(3-4), 410-423. In particular, the variables of the problem are denoted in the same way ($p$ for the phase indicator and $T$ for temperature). Consider a rectangular domain $\Omega = [0, L_x] \times [0, L_y]$ on which we wish to solve the following equations:

\[ \tau \partial_t p = \epsilon^2 \Delta p + p (1-p)(p - \frac{1}{2} + m(T))\]

\[ \partial_t T = \Delta T + K \partial_t p\]

where $m(T) = \frac{\alpha}{\pi} atan \left[ \gamma (T_e - T) \right]$. This set of equations represents the solidification of a liquid in a supercooled state. Here $T$ is a dimensionless temperature and $p$ is the solid volume fraction. Lagrange finite elements are used to discretize both equations. Time marching is performed with a forward Euler scheme for the first equation and a backward Euler scheme for the second one.

To initiate the solidification process, a Dirichlet boundary condition ($p=1$,$T=1$) is applied at $x=0$ ("West" boundary).


Load the necessary packages

using Bcube
using LinearAlgebra
using WriteVTK
using Random

Random.seed!(1234) # to obtain reproductible results

Define some physical and numerical constants, as well as the g function appearing in the problem definition.

const ε = 0.01
const τ = 0.0003
const α = 0.9
const γ = 10.0
const K = 1.6
const Te = 1.0
const β = 0.0 # noise amplitude, original value : 0.01
const Δt = 0.0001 # time step
const totalTime = 1.0 # original value : 1
const nout = 50 # Number of iterations to skip before writing file
const degree = 1 # function space degree
const lx = 3.0
const ly = 1.0
const nx = 100
const ny = 20
const out_dir = joinpath(@__DIR__, "../../myout/phase_field_supercooled") # output directory

g(T) = (α / π) * atan(γ * (Te - T))

Read the mesh using gmsh

const mesh_path = joinpath(@__DIR__, "../../input/mesh/domainPhaseField_tri.msh")
const mesh = read_msh(mesh_path)

Noise function : random between [-1/2,1/2]

const χ = MeshCellData(rand(ncells(mesh)) .- 0.5)

Build the function space and the FE Spaces. The two unknowns will share the same FE spaces for this tutorial. Note the way we specify the Dirichlet condition in the definition of U.

fs = FunctionSpace(:Lagrange, degree)
U = TrialFESpace(fs, mesh, Dict("West" => (x, t) -> 1.0))
V = TestFESpace(U)

Build FE functions

ϕ = FEFunction(U)
T = FEFunction(U)

Define measures for cell integration

dΩ = Measure(CellDomain(mesh), 2 * degree + 1)

Define bilinear and linear forms

a(u, v) = ∫(∇(u) ⋅ ∇(v))dΩ
m(u, v) = ∫(u ⋅ v)dΩ
l(v) = ∫(v * ϕ * (1.0 - ϕ) * (ϕ - 0.5 + g(T) + β * χ))dΩ

Assemble the two constant matrices

A = assemble_bilinear(a, U, V)
M = assemble_bilinear(m, U, V)

Create iterative matrices

C_ϕ = M + Δt / τ * ε^2 * A
C_T = M + Δt * A

Apply Dirichlet conditions. For this example, we don't use a lifting method to impose the Dirichlet, but d is used to initialize the solution.

d = assemble_dirichlet_vector(U, V, mesh)
apply_dirichlet_to_matrix!((C_ϕ, C_T), U, V, mesh)

Init solution and write it to a VTK file

set_dof_values!(ϕ, d)
set_dof_values!(T, d)

dict_vars = Dict(
    "Temperature" => (var_on_vertices(T, mesh), VTKPointData()),
    "Phi" => (var_on_vertices(ϕ, mesh), VTKPointData()),
write_vtk(joinpath(out_dir, "result_phaseField_imex_1space"), 0, 0.0, mesh, dict_vars)

Factorize and allocate some vectors to increase performance

C_ϕ = factorize(C_ϕ)
C_T = factorize(C_T)
L = zero(d)
rhs = zero(d)
ϕ_new = zero(d)

Time loop (imex time integration)

t = 0.0
itime = 0
while t <= totalTime
    global t, itime
    t += Δt
    itime += 1
    @show t, totalTime

    # Integrate equation on ϕ
    L .= 0.0 # reset L
    assemble_linear!(L, l, V)
    rhs .= M * get_dof_values(ϕ) .+ Δt / τ .* L
    apply_dirichlet_to_vector!(rhs, U, V, mesh)
    ϕ_new .= C_ϕ \ rhs

    # Integrate equation on T
    rhs .= M * (get_dof_values(T) .+ K .* (ϕ_new .- get_dof_values(ϕ)))
    apply_dirichlet_to_vector!(rhs, U, V, mesh)

    # Update solution
    set_dof_values!(ϕ, ϕ_new)
    set_dof_values!(T, C_T \ rhs)

    # write solution in vtk format
    if itime % nout == 0
        dict_vars = Dict(
            "Temperature" => (var_on_vertices(T, mesh), VTKPointData()),
            "Phi" => (var_on_vertices(ϕ, mesh), VTKPointData()),
            joinpath(out_dir, "result_phaseField_imex_1space"),
            append = true,

And here is an animation of the result:

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